目前分類:2008-2009 American Life (12)

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不知道 哪天我可以再捐第二次~~~喝

chiatai118 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


不知道 哪天我可以再捐第二次~~~喝

chiatai118 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


chiatai118 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

後來要到了Boston 這次住得更棒了 是 Hyatt

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  • Feb 08 Sun 2009 18:55
  • eat

Korea restaurant

then by myself

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然後做了火車就到了washington DC

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 這次去Baltimore,聽說他的inner harbor 非常的有名 所以想說去看一下
首先要先買車票 (在美國 如果被抓到沒買票 是要罰很重的)


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Recently, our class was over. I tried hard to study because my teacher said that if I got higher score, I can finish the course quickly.

So, I tried to do the exam well. Hoewever, even I got high score, the ELS won't allow me to do what I wan to do.   They doubted my ability of writhing reaserch papper. ...I hate that...

I hate...........................

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我和兩個台灣大學生 雅琪和芊卉

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This weekend activities
1. Chinese food
2. Visiting several schools
3. Cardinals baseball game

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我這幾天呢 星期五去了mapple day 星期六去了greek festival, music festival,and 台灣同學會

星期天去了Japanese festival


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我呢 把相簿等等換到這邊了 因為無名滿了 不知道該怎麼辦

不過那邊還有一些照片 http://www.wretch.cc/album/cindychung


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